Are there preferable capacity combinations of renewables and storage? Exploratory quantifications along various technology deployment pathways Preprint uri icon


  • The decarbonization of the electricity sector is at the core of the European agenda, with renewable energy sources playing a leading role. A major challenge emerging with increasing shares of intermittent renewables is their efficient integration. To overcome this challenge, electricity storage systems are identified as components which will be inseparable from renewable generation in the following years. However, what are the available pathways for the capacity evolution of each generating technology? How do different capacity combinations perform in terms of pledged renewable penetration targets and investment costs? Is there an optimal capacity combination of renewables and storage? This article presents a modelling framework featuring detailed storage operation simulation and adaptive policy design, assessing these inquiries. To demonstrate its applicability, it is used to explore plausible wind, solar, and storage configurations in Greece. The results suggest that the proportions of wind and solar power is significantly affecting the timing and required capacity for storage, the potential for renewable electricity integration, as well as the costs needed for their achievement. Overall, the study demonstrates feasible pathways leading from the current status quo in Greece and towards the milestone horizon of 2030, concluding with key implications for policy and practice.


  • Renewable Energy Sources; Battery Energy Storage System; RES Integration; Curtailment; Power System; Energy Transition

number of pages

  • 56